Nakamura Emika

Nakamura Emika


b. 1994, Hyogo, Japan

  • 2015

    Graduated from Traditional Arts Super College of Kyoto, Bamboo Craft major

  • 2016

    Apprenticed to Tanabe Chikuunsai IV

Exhibitions & Accolades
  • 2019

    Admitted to the 48th Western Japan Traditional Craft Arts Exhibition for the first time

  • 2020

    Finalist, Mingei Bamboo Prize 2021, Musée National des Arts Asiatiques Guimet, Paris, France

  • 2023

    52nd Western Japan Traditional Craft Arts Exhibition

  • 2024

    Tanabe Chikuunsai IV and Apprentices: Tradition and Innovation, TAI Modern, Santa Fe, NM