Hayashi Junpei

Hayashi Junpei


b. 1991, Kyoto, Japan.

  • 2013

    Graduated from Ritsumeikan University with a degree in International Relations

  • 2018

    Graduated from Oita Prefectural Bamboo Craft Training Center

  • 2018

    Apprenticed to Tanabe Chikuunsai IV

Exhibitions & Accolades
  • 2019

    Winner of the Grand Prize at 24th National Bamboo Art Exhibition, Tochigi, Japan

  • 2020

    Winner of the Newcomer Encouragement Award at the 49th Japan Traditional Craft Arts Exhibition

  • 2021

    Winner of the Japan Craft Arts Association Award at the 50th Western Japan Traditional Craft Arts Exhibition

  • 2023

    Winner of the Mingei Bamboo Prize 2023, Parcours des Mondes, Paris France

  • 2024

    Tanabe Chikuunsai IV & Apprentices: Tradition & Innovation, TAI Modern, Santa Fe, NM