With pieces ranging from 80 to more than 100 years old, the assemblage of deer and mountain goat antlers on display in writer and art critic Jan Adlmann’s north-side Zocalo home transforms his small study into a space he calls “the jagdzimmer,” or hunting room. Mounted on hand-carved plaques commemorating the date and location of each hunt, the antlers, aka Tyrolean hunting trophies, are a common feature in Austrian and Bavarian classic interiors. For Adlmann—who’s never shot a thing—they’re an expression of his family heritage. The first set came from his Austrian-born grandfather. The others he has acquired over the past 40 years, many “basically for a song” at flea markets in Vienna, Prague, and Budapest. Adlmann, who’s lived in Santa Fe since leaving New York (and a position at the Guggenheim Museum) in the early 1990s, prizes this room for its coziness. “It evokes an especially Austrian atmospheric called gemütlichkeit,” he says. “It’s one of those German words effectively impossibly to translate.”